After completing Tawaaf, you must cover bothshoulders and move to the station of Ibrahim and recite:
You should perform two rakaat prayers at the station of Ibrahim between oneself and Kabah. During first and second Rakah, SoorahKaafiroon and SoorahIkhlaas is recited in succession. Care must be taken that you should not hamper anyone performing the prayers.
Follow to Zam-Zam with drinking the water and pouring over the head.
Return to the black stone and touch it saying:
Allaahu Akbar
The next stop is to the Safa. Upon reaching Safa, one must recite:
Innas-safaawalmarwata min sha ‘aa-irillaah. Famanhajjalbaitaawi’ tamarafalaajunaahaalahianyatawwafabihimaa. Wa man tatawwa’akharanfainnallaahashaakirun ‘aleem
And :
Nabda ‘u bimaabadaallaahubihi
Now climb the Safa, till the Kabah is visible. Facing Qilbah, you must recite the following words 3 times.
Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar. Laailaahaillallahuwahdahu la shareekalahu, lahulmulkuwalahulhamdu, wahuwa ‘alaaqulli shay in qadeer. Laailahaillallahuwahdahu, anjazawa ‘dahu, wanasara ‘abdahu, wahazamalahdhaabawahdahu
On completion, you must step down and head to Marwa, which is followed by between the green lights. When you reach Marwa, follow the same procedure and recite the following
Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar. Laailaahaillallahuwahdahu la shareekalahu, lahulmulkuwalahulhamdu, wahuwa ‘alaaqulli shay in qadeer. Laailahaillallahuwahdahu, anjazawa ‘dahu, wanasara ‘abdahu, wahazamalahdhaabawahdahu
This is the completion of first round, now continue to Safa. Repeat the whole ritual with a total of seven times with the last one on Marwa.Cutting or shaving the head is advisable. Women also must shorten their hair, even a little bit.
Hence, Umrah completes